“The Fort” is a not-for-profit youth organization that provides free recreational programming and resource services to youth aged 11-18 in Grimsby, located across the street from St. George’s. It’s a free, full-service youth drop-in resource centre providing a space that youth can call their own.
On Sunday, April 14th, during our fellowship luncheon following Liturgy, Gijs de Groot offered a short presentation about the programming, the philosophy, and the good work being done by the Fort, and answered questions raised by our parishioners. Following the presentation parish council president Dr. Peter Kondra presented Mr. de Groot a cheque for the Fort in the amount of $500, with the parish’s thanks for the positive programs, atmosphere and activities the Fort offers our local teenagers.
For more information about the Fort and their work with our local youth please visit their web-site at https://www.thefortyouthcentre.com.